Mia Rendon | Brand and Web Designer

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What takes a DIY brand and website to the next level? Brand Strategy

Let’s chat a little bit about why brand strategy is what takes your DIY brand and website to the next level!

Often times when you start DIYing your brand, you start building the pieces as you move along in your journey of building your business. A canva graphic here, a few random colors that you think are pretty there, and all of a sudden you are staring down a website you have piece mealed together that you are going to hate or worse be embarrassed of in the next 3-6 months. 

I’m such a fan of DIYing in the beginning so don’t take this as a sign to invest a couple thousand dollars on a shiny new brand and website when you are just starting your business. If you are in that stage I highly recommend finding templates through resources like creative market or even scrolling through tiktok or instagram you can find web designers that sell templates. That is an easy way to start with your website standing out from the generic templates that come with website platforms like Squarespace and Wix. 

But for those business owners in year 3 or 4 and have spent the past couple of years honing the details of your transformational signature program, product, or service and your ideal client, this is for you. Because you may be feeling like “okay I’ve already invested so much into business coaching this year, do I really need to invest even more on a professional to design everything for me when I can just use free resources and the advice of my business coach on how my sales page needs to be laid out to create everything myself. It may take like 6 months because I’ll have to do it on the weekends but I can make it work… I think.”

However, your time is money and spending 6 months piece mealing together a new website and brand based on free resources and advice from your business coach may not be the best way to spend your time. Unless your moonlighting as a brand and marketing strategist that knows exactly where to start.

Because the one thing that takes your DIY brand and website to the next level is your brand stratgey.

The reason being that when you start with the strategy behind your business first versus building things as you go along, you create consistency and foundational building blocks that make it to where you never second guess what you’re doing a year from now when you are creating that new sales graphic for your newest upcoming launch. 

When you strip everything down to its core and rebuild from the ground up, you create this amazing foundation to build your brand off of and if you’ve ever built a home, you know the foundation for which your home is built on is the most important part. 

The major difference between working on your brand or your website or even both yourself is that often times we are too close to see the bigger picture and too close to take on a new perspective that someone else can offer you when you trust them to help you rebuild and reinvent your brand and website to match all the amazing growth you’ve had with your business coach this year. 

Because trust me, if you are even here asking yourself these questions right now, then it’s time to knock it all down and rebuild with a brand strategy to help you make it to the next level in your business. And to continue leveling up each and every year.

If you’re here because you don’t fully know if working with an expert to rebrand your business or website then this freebie is the perfect place to start. This is a 6-page workbook all about your brand and how to do your own audit on your business to find out if it truly is the time for you to invest in your business. Because you've honed the details of your transformational signature program, product, or service over the past couple of years... and now it's probably time to invest in a strong visual brand that attracts and resonates with your dream clients.